Babywill. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Views: 10

Online store of diapers and baby food.
Products in our online store much more accessible, and thus you can not spend half a day on shopping. You don‘t have to wander to the shops in search of necessary products to stand in queues and carry heavy bags. All you need to deliver at home. The online shop is easier for parents, especially young mothers, which is not easy given the care of the child. On our virtual shelves you will find all the goods necessary for you and your baby.
You also expect:
- reasonable prices
- convenient catalog
- wide range available
- timely delivery seven days a week


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

str. Uchiteley, 38

tel. +7 (343) 344-32-23
Actual on 01.01.2018
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