Private clinics and medical centers of Orenburg

Private clinics and medical centers :

Total items: 191, Views: 595519
Cardiology Professor Kuznetsov G. E.
Orenburg, Transportnaya str., 16/4

tel. +7 (3532) 55-28-98
Actual on 01.01.2018
Orenburg, 460000, str. Orlova, 141

tel. +7 (987) 796-12-88

focus on the treatment of chemical dependency (drug, alcohol, drugs), and gambling.
It was established in 2009 on the basis of Minnesotsky model. It is based on the principles of "12 steps", which are complemented by methods of psychotherapy and psychological correction - both traditional and modernized. In addition, the program contains a number of interesting copyright developments.
Combining decades of proven traditions and modern methods, the program brings a comprehensive approach, taking into account individual peculiarities of the personality in all vital spheres. These areas: biological, psychological,emotional,financial,physical, social and spiritual. They destroyed the development of dependence, and hence in need of rehabilitation.
This integrated approach allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment and an individual approach to each patient. Because each individual is different, and the picture of the disease in each case - his own. Therefore, the treatment plan is tailored to the personal characteristics of the patient and the history of his illness.
Another feature of the program is its multistage. Namely, in addition to the cessation of the use, the recovery of a person from the consequences of addictive behavior, starting with the restoration of the main human values - security, private life, relationships...
Feature of the program "RTS Healthy life"is that it was created by by recovering addicts in Minnesota in 1968,being for many years in a 12 step program and having a great experience sober living. Statistics of recovery, maintained by the centre, speaks of its effectiveness in treating addiction

The rehabilitation program is divided into types:

• Inpatient (Rehab)from 90 to 250 days
• Polecana 90 days
• Personal growth

Inpatient program

For whom is the program? For people with alcohol, drug, gambling addiction. The program lasts up to six months.Conditions for admission to the program: a desire to stop using (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Program rehabilitation center developed on the basis of the most effective methods of world practice for the treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling) and is designed to pass fixed course, lasting from 3 to 6 months.Addiction treatment in a hospital allows a person in full protection from destructive influences of the external environment to focus on your recovery.
The goal of the program is the acquisition of new points of reference in life and, in this regard, a full recovery from addictive behavior.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:

• psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience of working with dependent;
• consultants (people with experience of personal recovery, and special training for working in Rehabilitation center);
The program includes a complex of measures aimed at achieving and maintaining a sober lifestyle:

• group and individual psychotherapeutic work through the 12 steps ("Minnesotsky model" and datop);
• body-oriented therapy;
• a series of thematic lectures;
• personal growth trainings;
• self-help groups;
• psycho-correction work with the family;
• viewing and discussion of films;
The essence of treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction is the establishment of deep personal processes, the failure of which led to addiction. The program will help to discover the hidden causes of disease, to realise its consequences, to cope with psychological difficulties
Treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, 89877961288, Orenburg
Fund News

Actual on 01.01.2018
Orenburg, 460000, str. Tomilinskaya, 237, str. 3

tel. +7 (961) 949-57-27

The rehabilitation program is divided into types:

• Inpatient (Rehab)from 90 to 250 days
• Polecana 90 days
• Personal growth

Inpatient program

For whom is the program? For people with alcohol, drug, gambling addiction. The program lasts up to six months.Conditions for admission to the program: a desire to stop using (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
Program rehabilitation center developed on the basis of the most effective methods of world practice for the treatment of addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling) and is designed to pass fixed course, lasting from 3 to 6 months.Addiction treatment in a hospital allows a person in full protection from destructive influences of the external environment to focus on your recovery.
The goal of the program is the acquisition of new points of reference in life and, in this regard, a full recovery from addictive behavior.
The treatment is carried out by using the latest methods of pedagogy and psychotherapy with the participation of highly qualified specialists:

• psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience of working with dependent;
• consultants (people with experience of personal recovery, and special training for working in Rehabilitation center);
The program includes a complex of measures aimed at achieving and maintaining a sober lifestyle:

• group and individual psychotherapeutic work through the 12 steps ("Minnesotsky model" and datop);
• body-oriented therapy;
• a series of thematic lectures;
• personal growth trainings;
• self-help groups;
• psycho-correction work with the family;
• viewing and discussion of movies.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Doctor 24 Hours
Orenburg, str. Kazakovskaya, 35

tel. +7 (353) 290-90-02
Actual on 01.01.2018
Drug treatment center
Orenburg, str. Yurkina, 9A

tel. +7 (3532) 23-23-09
Actual on 01.01.2018
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