MARCH. Samara, Russia

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About our company

MARCH - Assessment provides services in the field of valuation of business, share in authorized capital, shares, real estate, land, machinery and equipment, intellectual property for different purposes.
Agenstvo OOO "MARCH - Score" for 12 years offering quality services in the field of challenging the cadastral value, independent evaluation and examination of all types of ownership. For the assessment activities we have all the necessary certificates and documents – evidence of self-regulatory organizations, the insurance of responsibility of appraisers (30-50 million RUB), a liability insurance policy to the organization ( 100 million rubles), the identity of the court expert in the assessment deyateljnosti, diplomas and certificates of the United qualificationof exams. All our professionals possess extensive professional experience (6 - 12 years in the field of evaluation).
Features the work of the specialists of the company MART-Rating:

1. Before taking over valuation of the property we honestly say – whether You need a valuation report. - There are times when a consultation of a specialist.
2. From this follows that we BEFORE signing agreement, I can announce – what will be the market value of Your property.
3. We honestly and conscientiously fulfill their obligations. You will receive exactly within the agreed term of Your evaluation report.
4. We are able to quickly and correctly assess all the houses, rooms, apartments, cars, damage assessment for a notary, large businesses, intellectual property, dispute cadastral value. That‘s right – the key word here. Mortgage service banks, tax authorities, judges, notaries will not ask You unnecessary questions about our evaluation reports.
5. You don‘t need to spend your time to travel to us for the contract – we will come themselves at the appointed time. Expert on the spot accept documents, write out a cash receipt and accept payment for the job. You will only have to come in to our office for an evaluation report.
6. We are always ready to assist You, to answer any question on the assessment of Your property to provide detailed information.


Samara Oblast
Samara city

443013, str. Chernorechenskaya, 50, st

tel. 8 (846) 922-99-51
Actual on 01.01.2018
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