Ocean Wave. Saint Petersburg, Russia

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The company "Ocean Wave" offers a wide range of professional refrigerated cabinets. This equipment is used for long-and short-term food storage. It is positioned in the back rooms and showrooms.
We implement the device the best domestic and foreign producers. This allows you to choose the best solution, guided by the dimensions, capacity and functional characteristics of the Cabinet.
You can order:
• demonstration of the refrigeration cabinets. The equipment is equipped with transparent doors. Installed in sales areas to demonstrate goods to the buyers. Has an attractive design;
• utility closets for storage. Made of stainless steel. Reliability and high stability;
• specialty cabinets (for a certain type of product – for example, bottles of wine). Often used in bars and restaurants.
This equipment is expensive, so it is important to choose a quality and durable refrigerated cabinets. We offer a wide price range. This helps to choose the optimal variant that meets the requirements and budget of each customer.


Saint Petersburg City
Saint Petersburg city

str. Verbnaya, 1b

tel. 8 (812) 989-29-30
tel. 8 (812) 309-40-88
tel. 8 (952) 289-29-40

Actual on 01.01.2018
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