Telephone directory

Our telephone directory provides telephone numbers and addresses of more than 5000 cities. Here you can find a phone by address or name. And you can also find the address by phone or name. In other words, the search for a phone, address or name of the subscriber is possible in any variant. For convenience, the search is divided into countries, regions and cities. Now you can search for a phone in any city of our phone base.

Search Phone Directory

Today, our telephone database already contains many telephone numbers and addresses. Data is constantly updated. Each user can add his data to our database, confirming his identity. After that, each visitor to our site will be able to find the phone number or address of this person. Search for a phone number and address is carried out within any city that is entered into our database. To find a number or address, just select a city and follow the links. Or use the quick search form.

If you want to find a person, then you need to know at least his city of residence. You can choose a city from the list or use the city search form. For convenience, all cities are sorted by country and region. You can choose your own option. You can also filter the list of cities by specific country or region.
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