Сtroimdom, construction of wooden houses. Borisov, Belarus

Views: 89

Construction of wooden houses, baths on the basis of the framework!
In-house production.
Building a wooden house from a bar, mast; log houses; gazebos, sheds, etc. of wooden buildings.
Also sell lumber.
Performed as an integrated operation, and separate.
Form of payment - cash/clearing.
- Pouring the Foundation
- The building frame
- Roof installation
- Cut openings
- Sanding frame
- Implementation of lumber
We do not do interior finishing work.
- Transparent prices!
- Own production
- No markups on materials
- Progress payment
- A guarantee of quality
You can live to see our work coming to our construction site. Come during working hours, ask any questions to the project Manager.


Minsk oblast
Borisov city

str. Demina, 7a

tel. +375 (29) 554-04-04
tel. +375 (29) 694-05-90

Actual on 01.01.2018
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