Emergency and Dispatch Services of Minsk

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Emergency cleaning of clogged sewer pipes in Minsk ...
Minsk, str. Brestskaya, 64, str. 508

tel. +375 (29) 364-78-45

Emergency service on cleaning of clogged sewer pipes in Minsk.Hydrodynamic and mechanical sewer cleaning, flushing of pipes, removing blockages in the pipes. Quickly, qualitatively, inexpensively. +375(29)3647845.
Hydrodynamic sewer cleaning is a very effective way that ensures the appropriate technical requirements as the system of diversion of polluted runoff. As a rule, in the event of blockage, the tenants used the plunger, pour, or fall asleep special chemicals and clean pipe flexible cord. The problem of blockage of sewage is extremely important to residents as "old-fashioned" methods only help temporarily. However, there are effective technology of hydrodynamic cleaning of sewers, by use of which the patency of the tubes restored.
Many believe that the hydrodynamic method is used when purging large diameter pipelines and the use of cumbersome equipment. In fact, hydrodynamic machines for sewer cleaning are available in different capacity and diameter of pipes which can be subjected to effective cleaning by this method is in wide range (5-100 cm).
In order to clean-house network, you must use devices that have small dimensions, allowing you to carry them in the trunk of the car. Despite its modest size, such devices work with high performance and help to remove even difficult contaminants.
Fabulous prices for services with the use of specialized machines are a myth. The purification of one running meter of the pipe even under complicating circumstances will cost no more than $5
The hydrodynamic method is endowed with many advantages:
1. The cleansing of the tubes occurs quickly and efficiently.
2. Guarantee the integrity of the pipes.
3. The service life of the pipeline is extended, as the impact of the water jet is carried out very carefully.
4. You can use this method for internal wiring of any complexity.
5. The method is environmentally friendly, since no harmful chemical effects on the pipeline and the environment, and there is no emission of dirt and dust in the work setting.
6. This method allows to clean the pipes in sub-zero temperatures, freezing pipes and the formation of these ice jams.
It is worth noting that if you use the equipment for hydrodynamic cleaning of sewers, the cost of restoration of patency of the pipes is more cheap compared to their replacement.
Consider the features of operation of hydrodynamic machines:
• Hydrodynamic machines of various capacities provide the injection of water jets under a pressure of 150 atmospheres.
• Depending on the specific conditions at the nozzle Assembly is worn one of the nozzle – rotor, breakdown, etc.
• Under the influence of reactive power is the promotion of the nozzle inside the pipe, while the body breaks the blockage and jets of water directed opposite to the movement of the nozzle, washing away all debris from the pipe wall.
• Water flow and maneuverability of the nozzle is effected by means of a flexible hose.

One of the standard maintenance of pipeline systems homes – periodic sewer cleaning — unclogging sewer pipes. Someone has to do the cleaning of blockage of Sewerage rarely, someone more often.
Clogged sewage pipes is, undoubtedly, the main scourge of the sewers. The main cause of clogged pipes is barbaric attitude to the sewer network which we consciously use almost as a kind of garbage disposal. And if in the city the situation is partly rescues a large volume of water is simultaneously drained from many of the apartments, the cottage, dumping garbage in the toilet will inevitably lead to blockage of pipes.
It is recommended to install on the drain of all devices for more filter grille.
But even with normal use of the sewer, the possibility of clogging of pipes not excluded. Why? Let‘s consider an example. What usually makes the mistress completely to throw a bucket of water with solid waste? She swings the bucket so that the waste is spun in the bucket, and then sharp movement pours content. In other words, it first translates the solid waste in suspension, and then gives the fluid flow a greater speed. And Sewerage network. For its purification it is necessary that the large particles were in suspension in the fluid stream and the flow rate would not be below the critical. It turns out that for such sewage flow velocity in horizontal pipe must be at least 0.7 m/s, and the cross-section filling the pipe with water is not less than a third of the diameter, otherwise the particles will settle to the bottom of the pipe.
Speed, which satisfy the condition of self-purification in case of filling the channel should not be less than:
Vсоч = 0.8 m/s in fecal sewage;
Vсоч = 0.6 m/s in storm drain;
Vсоч = 0.8 m/s in the common sewer.
Recommended to determine the slope velocity should not be taken as immutable, but as depending on the diameter of the channel, and they should increase with increasing diameter.
The probability of blockage of the sewage pipes the more, the rougher its inner surface, including due to corrosion, different sediments, abrupt changes, turns, and ledges in the flow path. That is, the more complex the piping network, the greater the possibility of trouble. So occasionally necessary procedure – preventive sewer cleaning. To this end, the pipelines are so-called "audit" (sealed hatches) and "clean" (holes in the wall of the tube, closed tube). Put them where the flow of water dramatically changes the character of the movement, for example, before a connection of several pipes, sharp corner, indentation (a small kink in the riser), and also on release.
If the complete emptying of the wash-basin is more than 12 seconds, and a full bath more than 180 seconds, that means the pipelines have already started to clog.
Even if the device is sewage in the country or in a city apartment made correctly, over time, on its walls upsets the fat and other organic residues. Typically, this occurs at the site, diverting the drain from the kitchen sink. Especially this applies to cast iron pipes since their internal surface initially has surface roughness. Pollution initially cling to irregularities in the walls, then start collecting up other particles from the wastewater.
Deposits can slow down the "grease trap" (seroulavlivajushchih device) installed at the outlet of the sink. The more single ("volley"), the water flow the better the self-cleaning pipes and Vice versa. Beautiful imported toilet cistern with small capacity, of course, saves water (what was done), but it does not promotes self-cleaning of the pipes in our sewer systems.
Well, if you increase the slope of the pipes? The stream will flow, of course, quickly, but the layer thickness of the liquid becomes smaller, and with small amounts of sewage, large objects sink to the bottom. The same happens in case of unreasonable increase in pipe diameter at constant volume of water. How can that be, if the condition of self-cleansing of pipes is not performed (this is checked by calculation) in the issue from home? Here it is possible to offer three choices. The easiest but the most inefficient – often to drain as much water as possible from the devices. The second is to make the slope arbitrary, depending on the range of 2-10% (the shorter the edition the greater the bias). Install on release "the cleansing" and periodically clean it by mechanical means, which is quite troublesome.
Note that cleaning the pipes "chemistry", for example, means "Mole", etc., you can destroy the microorganisms that decompose waste in sewage treatment plants of the cottage and thereby suspend the waste treatment for 2-3 months. More reliable but more expensive way is to install at the base of the riser team capacity and its periodic emptying of the fecal pump.

It is possible to allocate four ways of cleaning the clog of Sewerage system:
1. Thermal cleaning of blockage of Sewerage.
2. Chemical cleaning of blockage of Sewerage.
3. Mechanical cleaning of blockage of Sewerage.
4. Hydrodynamic cleaning of blockage of Sewerage.

1.Heat sewer cleaning is a regular sewage pouring boiling water. It has a preventive sense, when we are talking about minor fresh deposits of fat, which dissolves under the influence of high temperature.
Please note! For cast iron sewer volume of boiling water must be substantial – not less than 10 years, as the thick metal walls actively taken heat, and the water quickly cools.

2.Chemical cleaning the drain is a simple but ineffective way. It is used in the case of minor sediment accumulation, and also in the preventive purposes, when the blockage is not yet formed. Most often it is used a strong alkali – caustic soda, in the form of liquid or powder. An example of a well – known tool mole for cleaning pipes. In particularly difficult cases, use hydrochloric acid.
Please note! Hydrochloric acid actively interacts with contained in the cast iron. If the old pipe is possible through corrosion of the walls!
In the interaction of acid or alkali and organic matter emits toxic fumes. All the rooms with the appliances connected to the sewer should be well ventilated, and it‘s better to plug all the drain holes. Evaporation does not breathe! After a few hours, plenty of shed pipes running water.

3.The mechanical method of cleaning sewers is the most affordable and efficient of those that you can perform with their hands. To him are applied the plunger or flexible cables.

4.The most effective way, which is the unclogging of sewer flow, sewer cleaning high pressure using pneumatic or hydraulic blowers. Such devices are injected into the system, the compressed working agent, which pushes the blockage to the main sewer riser.

Ways to remove the blockage of sewer pipes a lot, but if you follow the rules of its operation, then these difficulties can be avoided altogether.

SP Bovtrukevich VV will eliminate the clog of Sewerage system quickly, efficiently, inexpensively.


Actual on 01.01.2018
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