Construction company "FastSatfinder" offers mutually beneficial cooperation in the construction industry. Performed a wide range of licensed and unlicensed works.
We specialize in thermal insulation of facades of buildings and structures.
The company on a permanent basis working more than 80 people, there are lifting devices, scaffolding, huts, tools, etc. necessary for the execution of construction works.
The certificates for the following types of work:
device thermal insulation, vented insulation systems;
device light frame structures, walls of plasterboard;
-lightweight wooden structures;
-installation of window and door blocks;
-stone work;
During our activity we had a good experience with the following organizations:
Construction trust No. 4 (SU-10, SU-13; SU-50);
-LLC "Vitstroitehmash";
- "Student house";
JSC Belelektromontazh;
UE "Anteystroy";
PMC "Plant efficient industrial to onstructi"
Waiting for Your mutually beneficial proposals and hope for cooperation!
The company "Ferdinard" is the official exclusive representative of trade mark "ESA" (cable support systems, cable trays, metallic trays, ladder trays, wire trays, accessories for installation of cable routes, etc.)
Our company offers the following products:
* Cable trays sheet – perforated and non-perforated;
* Trays and cable ladder;
* Cable trays wire;
* Cable-channels for finishing;
* Perforated profiles, angles, channels, strips;
- Plumbing and electrical work;
- Cladding and painting works;
- Roofing and facade works;
- Installation of Windows and doors;
- Manufacture and installation of metal products;
- Installation of rock/reinforced masonry and wood structures;
- Installation of partitions;
Device waterproofing.
The construction of individual,industrial and residential buildings.A large selection of construction services is one of the important components of our work.We provide a variety of building services that can meet the needs of each client.Guaranteed results from A to Z. we‘ll take You on all works from budgeting and selection of materials and to harvest the debris.You don‘t have to worry another minute.We will implement any of your ideas.The result of our work will please You century.For each project we treat with the utmost care and take full responsibility for the quality.
Construction organization UE "Ethos"White carries out construction of objects of first to fourth classes of complexity:
Installation of precast concrete and concrete structures;
Installation of metal structures;
Mounting of constructions made of polymeric composite materials:
Protection of building structures and equipment;
Protection of the pipeline;
The device of the system of insulation and facades of buildings;
The filling of window and door openings;
The device of floors;
Finishing work;
The device of internal networks of water supply and Sewerage;
The device of internal networks of a heat supply;
Installation of systems of ventilation and air-conditioning.
We work all over Belarus. Guarantee and quality for all types of work! We employ only professionals with years of experience and experiments!