A travel Agency engaged in preparation of documents for obtaining a visa in the United States. Travel Agency “Distant lands” ("All about visas"). Consultation in the office for visa application. Photos for the visa. DS -160 form filling. The recording of the interview. Preparing for the interview. Turning to us, You will not waste your time to no avail! Experience, reliability, success. Minsk Kozlova str 7, of. 12. Opposite the cinema "Mir". More information at: www. AmericaTravel .by
Who will be able to organize Your stay better than the friendly company of professionals who themselves are avid travelers?! The answer is obvious! Super project in tourism! "Omniture" - always a lot of interesting offers at smart prices!
Are pleased to offer You a variety of bus tours of the CIS countries and Europe, weekend tours, sightseeing air tours and beach holidays all over the world! Also offer insurance services and provide visa support!
We invite you to become our tourists, partners, friends!
Organization of bus and aviaturov different orientation to Montenegro, Italy, Poland, Lithuania and other countries:
• excursion tours (as with the rest of the sea, and only excursions),
• recreation,
• treatment
• children‘s vacation
• corporate tours
• cruises (offered to join a guided bus tour and a trip on a cruise ship).
Bus tours of Europe with departure from Minsk. Excursion tours around Belarus.
The tour schedule and cost, schedule races. Information about the country, visa requirements, hotels. Online tour booking. Contacts.