How to hold the gas to the house? LLP "Stroy Repair Installation" will free You from all the problems associated with gas to your site and in house, namely:
design of the gas supply;
preparation of necessary primary documents to apply for a gasification facility (issued the necessary documents on connection of gas, determined by the cost of gas supply);
the receipt of technical specifications (design earth cottage gas);
clearance of gas and the development of design documents (at this stage the gas trust);
designing of gas supply houses or the design of the gas supply of the cottage, and approval of the project;
approval wiring diagrams of gas in corresponding state authorities;
installation of gas pipe from the gas line to the object, connection to the gas main, to determine the gas;
tie-in of gas in the gas line;
acceptance of the object by the specialists of gas and fire services design gas;
delivery of object in operation.
Call the construction and installation division Tel.:+7(727)-354-45-04