Unicase. Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Unicase is one of the leading law firms of the full cycle in Kazakhstan. Unicase advises large national companies of Kazakhstan and international corporations, international and local investors, international financial organizations and investment banks. The lawyers of the firm participated in the development of more than 90 laws and regulatory legal acts of the country.
Mission Unicase
The development of the Central Asian region by ensuring legal protection of investment and investors ‘ rights
Providing opportunities for Kazakh and international businesses to obtain legal assistance in Kazakhstan the level of leading international law firms
Raising the prestige of the legal profession in Kazakhstan and Central Asia
The formation of the United legal community in Kazakhstan, able to provide legal services to the international level and thus offer deep local expertise


Almaty city

050000, ave. AlFarabi, BTs «Hurly Tau»

tel. 8 (727) 344-92-92

Actual on 01.01.2018
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