Khan Tengri, pawnshop. Almaty, Kazakhstan

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"Lombard "Khan Tengri"

Lombard Almaty. Avtolombard. MKO. Avtolombard Almaty. Loans secured by vehicles, machinery. Professional approach to each client, fast and easy, low interest rates. Up to 80 % of the car value, cash is made within 30 minutes, militarized guarded Parking lot. Seven days a week. Loan with the right to sell Your car. The fastest money in town. On the market since 2006. Be sure with us!


Almaty city

050058, str. Karasay Batyra, 185

tel. +7 (707) 222-79-43
tel. +7 (777) 222-79-43
Actual on 01.01.2018
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