Orion, pawnshop. Almaty, Kazakhstan

Views: 131

Avtolombard "Orion"

Pawnshop in Almaty! Lombard. Auto pawn Loans. Loans. Urgently need money? Auto loans. money secured car. Give out loans (loans) secured by cars, trucks, special vehicles, for 30 minutes. The lowest rates in town. from 0, 1%. Loans secured by vehicles - up to 85% cash. Estimate free of charge. Take a pledge
car registered in Almaty city and Almaty region. Individual approach to each Auto loan.the client, a realistic assessment of the car, flexible terms, and any terms...Issued by a notary. Minimal package of documents-birth certificate and photo ID. The design conduct themselves. Full responsibility for the safety of Your car. Privacy!Avtolombard.


Almaty city

050058, str. Karasay Batyra, 185

tel. +7 (702) 733-22-55
tel. +7 (747) 733-22-55
tel. +7 (777) 833-22-55

Actual on 01.01.2018
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