in 2011, in Astana was first established local training company "HR - CENTER IPG", which the coaches practice with the business, extensive practical experience of personnel management and conflicts. During the existence of the COMPANY IPG has provided training to the staff of dozens of national and private enterprises and organizations in all regions of Kazakhstan on topics such as:
- Personnel management
The art of oratory
- Conflictology
- Formation of business thinking
- How to start a business
- team building and many others.
Special training: Subject of training:
- HR Manager - "Effective sales technology"
- Business coach - team-building
- Corporate trainers - the basics of financial literacy
- Training managers - Time management: effective time management
- Expert negotiations - Communications
"Training leadership"
- "Conflict resolution"
- "Motivation"
- Work with the audience and the art of presentation
- The art of managing a team