SpineClinic. Astana, Kazakhstan

Views: 248

-Treatment of back pain, headaches, degenerative disc disease.
Non-surgical treatment of hernia and protrusion of intervertebral disc
-Rehabilitation after injury to the brain and extremities.
-We do not treat symptoms, we get rid of the causes of the disease.
-The use of traditional (igloreflekso, hirudotherapy) and modern methods of treatment (physical therapy).
-Medical rehabilitation after operations on the spine and the extremities.
-Receive highly specialized professionals (neurologist, neurosurgeon, surgeon, hepatologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist).
-Individual approach to each patient.
The fact that others operate,
We treat!
Types of treatment:
physiotherapy (amplipuls, magnetic therapy, iontophoresis, laser,darsonval, phototherapy), massage, vacuumexpo (hijama),hirudotherapy,acupuncture,
Drug therapy.


The Capital Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Astana city

str. Sabyra Rahymova, 36

tel. 8 (707) 577-00-20
tel. 8 (707) 577-00-22
tel. 8 (7172) 215-694

Actual on 01.01.2018
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