"Ayala-Bobek" balabas 2-6 jastai Blanshard shiradi. We balabasa black tron 3 abatti imarata Annalisa. OII lay asandy chalman of jabula. Balabaud act halls, balalar ashkanasy, 3, jatin blme, 4 excellent synyp, Grguric kabinetter bar, R Abat sanitarily trappen and shower cobination jablan.
We trzebiel of pedagoginis "Alaska.", "We mestake of baramus" ,"Zerek Bala", mechaka Dang badalameti boiynsha dayindi aside. Osama: Aylin language, music, dance, karate.
- gmys castes 8:00 – 19:00 (LH-LM);
- kun trtb storylady;
- knelt lesd 5 retk "Halal" tamarando;
- TLM-tarbie Kazakh tlhe irged;
- AISI of ayina my 35000 tenge.
Kindergarten "Ayala-Bobek" invites children from 2 to 6 years. There is a detached 3 storey building, a play area covered with artificial lawn, conference hall, children‘s dining room, 3 bedrooms, 4 classrooms, a medical office, each floor is equipped with a bathroom and shower.
Our experienced teachers will teach your children to program:". Alghashky", "Zerek Bala", "We mestake of baramus". Additionally: English language, music, dance, karate.
- Mode of operation from 8:00 – 19:00 (Mon-Fri);
- Adherence of the day;
- Balanced 5 meals "Halal" food;
- Training is conducted in Kazakh;
- Payment 35000 TNG/month.