MENAGERIE. Astana, Kazakhstan

Views: 37

the pet store "animal house" welcomes you and is ready to offer the following products and services;
food for cats, dogs, rodents,parrots, attributes for aquariums,attributes to animals cats dogs parrots hamsters.
so the same production aquariums custom made to your size up to 1.5 tons
so the same conduct maintenance to your aquarium, the system of discounts, individual approach to clients,
advice on aquarium husbandry,and nekotorym animal species, terrariums are custom made for your reptiles,a hotel for fish.


The Capital Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Astana city

str. Yanushkevicha, 3

tel. 8 (775) 337-73-28
tel. 37-15-16
Actual on 01.01.2018
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