Creative art. Karaganda, Kazakhstan

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Art therapy for pregnant women!
Studio airbrushing and artistic creativity "Creative-art" invites pregnant women in the arts. In order to do art therapy, not necessarily to be an artist, the main thing - desire.
Art therapy during pregnancy will help to disconnect from all negative and take my hands and my head. Drawing or when making something, the woman expressing herself. Those fears, which she can‘t talk to their loved ones, and the negative, even hide from myself, will find a way in the works and will return the balance and harmony.
Often, art therapy is perceived only as a lesson in painting. In fact, it is more versatile – it can be sculpture, photography, painting on fabric, glass, wood, and ceramics, collage, writing stories, origami, sand painting, and much more.
The Studio also offers next services:
- training of academic art education;
- airbrushing training (2 training);
- hobby classes (batik, painting on all types of surfaces, modeling, scrapbooking, etc.);
- drawing with sand "Send-the-Art";
- classes for children from 7 years;
- art (paintings to order, painting of walls and furniture, etc.)
We also offer body art and professional photography.
All materials provided by the Studio. Classes are held twice a week, for more information please call: 8705-802-23-77, 8700-983-98-51


Karaganda region
Karaganda city

str. Mustafina, 3/2

tel. 8 (705) 802-23-77
tel. 8 (700) 983-98-51

Actual on 01.01.2018
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