Elena, Studio hair extensions. Kostanai, Kazakhstan

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● For every female hair in any age are of great importance. For centuries, the hair symbolized beauty and femininity – what more luxurious and longer your hair is, the more attractive the woman.
● Well, when the hair is beautiful, long and thick. But let‘s be realistic — most of us nature, alas, has not given good hair. What should I do?
● Of course, in this case, too, there is a way. Today the problem of lack of thick and long hair can decide for a couple of hours, going to the beauty salon and doing hair extensions.
But we must turn to the real experts, then, along with their problems did not have to fix new problems that may arise from poor quality of hair extensions.

● Studio of hair extensions "Elena" offers to perform a professional hair – style and quality! For 2-3 hours You can radically change your appearance, and elegant, beautiful and long hair will beautify You, attracting the attention of men and the envious glances of women.

SERVICES Studio of hair extensions "Elena":
❶ Extensions straight and wavy hair;
❷ Correction procedure;
❸ Gentle removal of the hair extensions;
❹ Encapsulation or perekopirovannye hair;
❺ Advising clients
❻ Hair in stock and on order


Kostanay region
Kostanai city

str. Tarana, 165

tel. +7 (702) 77-444-15

Actual on 01.01.2018
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