Italian dry cleaning VIP. Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan

Views: 175

We have several types of cleaning of clothes on the newest equipment 2015-2016 release, Dry cleaning, Aqua-cleaning and sertifitsirovanna the latest technology-bio-cleaning. This technology allows you to clean difficult and expensive things from fur, leather, any leather, sheepskin ,and suede and nubuck with a 100% clean and safe . That is absolutely harmless for the product to humans. Bio-cleaning prolongs the life of leather and fur garments. Things after this cleaning becomes fluffy and soft. We also have a large Laundry private Laundry and washing large items - weighing up to 30 kg in 1 hour! Paint products made of cotton and mixed fabrics, the skin. Clean, sanitize and podkashivaet shoes! Take on off-season storage of fur and stuff with a guarantee of protection from moths . There is a special camera for such things with opredelennym temperature regime, and moisture regime. Work with individuals and businesses, cash and non-cash calculation. Of the contract. Card system of discounts for regular customers. Waiting for You, Dear residents and guests of the city!


Almaty oblast
Taldykorgan city

str. Kazybek bib/n
040008, str. Tauelsyzdyk, 85a

tel. +7 (7252) 54-01-51
tel. +7 (702) 296-78-44
tel. +7 (771) 488-58-58
tel. +7 (7282) 39-50-05

Actual on 01.01.2018
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