Sports city. Abakan, Russia

Views: 62

Online store Sportcity74 offers a wide range of goods for sports, tourism and active recreation. Delivery in all regions of Russia.We will pleasantly surprise You you with their prices and quality of goods. Home exercise equipment: treadmills, elliptical machines, weight systems, exercise bikes, benches barbell and professional equipment for sports clubs; children‘s wall bars, horizontal bars, street children‘s sports facilities: swings, slides, climbing, sandbox; leisure goods: tents, tents, pools, bikes, skateboards, boats, goods for weightlifting: discs, barbells, kettlebells, bars; goods for gymnastics mats, trampolines, goods for martial arts: water filled Boxing bags; winter products: thermal underwear, winter shoes, kick sledges, sledges, skates, jumpers, grasshoppers jumping, scooters, Billiards and table tennis - all this and much more.


Khakassia Republic
Abakan city

Chertygasheva str., 126

tel. 8 (351) 777-76-49
tel. +7 (908) 577-53-69
Actual on 01.01.2018
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