Beauty Spot boutique, clinic beauty and SPA technologies. Astrakhan, Russia

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In the beauty Spot Boutique are specialists with great experience of successful work. The clinic is effectively using modern technology and methods, as well as the latest equipment. Guarantee achievement of the best and long lasting result! Services include Laser hair removal the Light Sheer Duet machine, fractional omogeneia on the Dual Fraxel, photorejuvenation for M22, contour correction, figure correction, PRP, face cleaning, facial scrubs, Spa — programs, body wraps, massages and much more. We promise that visiting us, You will never be disappointed!


Astrakhan Oblast
Astrakhan city

414000, str. Sovetskoy Militsii, 8a

tel. +7 (908) 614-41-24
tel. 51-55-55
Actual on 01.01.2018
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