Mir NEDVIZHIMOSTI, OOO. Balakovo, Russia

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If You decide to buy, sell or exchange apartment, house, cottage, land, non-residential premises or other real estate – present to your attention one of the leading estate agencies in Balakovo — the company "World of real Estate."
Our site contains only relevant and daily updated ads and suggestions about the proposed sale of real property, as well as many other useful and interesting information about the real estate market of Balakovo and Balakovsky district of the Saratov region.
The presence of extensive database of properties close cooperation with leading real estate companies of our city help us in the shortest time and at the most favorable price to provide services for the sale and purchase of any property located in the town of Balakovo and Balakovsky area.
Get competent advice and expert assistance of a professional realtor associated with the acquisition and disposition of real property, the transaction of purchase and sale, exchange, gift, etc., You can, leaving the appropriate application form or contact us directly by phone.


Saratov Oblast
Balakovo city

413800, str. Trnavskaya, 3

tel. 8 (927) 225-09-90
tel. 8 (927) 225-14-58

Actual on 01.01.2018
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