Looking for a good place to restore health and quality holidays for a reasonable price?
Then we invite You to visit the Paradise island of bliss and peace in Balakovo,
where You will meet friendly staff and will offer You more than 20 types of Wellness massage and SPA program. Beautiful music,
aroma of tropical oils, warm microclimate massage areas
and most importantly the hands of professionals trained in Thailand will effectively restore Your body
cleanse from negative energy and return the harmony and vivacity of spirit!
Looking for a good place to restore health and quality holidays for a reasonable price?
Then we invite You to visit the Paradise island of bliss and peace in Balakovo, where You will meet friendly staff and will offer You more than 20 types of Wellness massages and SPA-programs. Beautiful music, the scent of tropical oils, warm massage microclimate of premises, and most importantly the hands of professionals trained in Thailand will effectively restore Your body, cleanse of negative energy and return the harmony and vivacity of spirit!)