Learning foreign languages of Barnaul

Learning foreign languages :

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El Mundo
Barnaul, 656000, str. Proletarskaya, 131, kablv

tel. 8 (913) 097-71-72

El Mundo (El Mundo) - the school study English and Spanish. El Mundo in Spanish means World, universe, Light, Society! We chose this name because we believe that learning foreign languages opens up a new world of knowledge and opportunities! Foreign languages develop human: increased level of education, expanding horizons, strengthen strong traits - patience, persistence, tenacity. Develops logic, improve diction and oratorical skills.
The advantages of our school is that we focus on the spoken forms of the language, pay a lot of time to practice speaking and listening. This makes the learning process more interesting and varied.
The training is conducted in small groups of 3-8 people or individually. There is a possibility to learn languages in the context of professional activity, if the primary goal is to build a career overseas or seeking foreign partners.

Offered products/services:
Group English:
- General English language course for beginners
- General English language course for advanced
Express English course for tourists
- Business English course
- Intensive English language course
- Individual English lessons
- Preparation for the exam and the OGE
- Preparation for IELTS

Group Spanish:
- General Spanish language course for beginners
- General Spanish language for beginners
Express Spanish course for tourists
Intensive Spanish course
- Preparation for the DELE exam
- Individual Spanish lessons

Actual on 01.01.2018
In Touch
Barnaul, Zmeinogorskiy trakt, 104

tel. +7 (3852) 577-551

Sessions with children. Foreign training. The international exams. Advice. Translation from foreign languages.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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