If your child has already turned 2 years old and you decided to record their child in a creative team, the Studio of modern dance "the orange" - a great choice!
We have children from 2 to 10 years. Classes are held on a particular system: warm-up, ground floor gymnastics, learning new dance elements, staging, consolidate old material. Choreographers have higher professional education and creative experience, so your child is in safe hands!
We work all year round! Attending dance classes in our Studio, your child will participate in the final concert more than 4 times a year, as well as performing at various festivals and public events in the city of Barnaul!
Operates special program for the newlyweds! Statement of the wedding dance is a beautiful, unique and colorful gift to each other and unforgettable celebrations... all with a personal choregraphy in a separate room with mirrors.
We have 2 branch office in Barnaul: St. Uskova, 3 (the new district, Quarter, "Purple")
and Yurina str., 190 (district Park "the Edelweiss").
Choose a convenient address and engage with the fun!