Chechen and. Barnaul, Russia

Views: 27

5. Clinic "Chechun and" provides a full range of modern dental services. Dental therapists carry out effective prevention of caries and its treatment at all stages, the restoration of teeth, and reduce tooth sensitivity. Root canal treatment is carried out using a modern operating microscope Zeiss. Professionals-podiatrists hold dental prosthetics (fixed and removable) with the use of ceramics, composites and nylon. Doctors periodontists provide services for the treatment of gum disease (gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease) and tooth brushing through a system of Air Flow and ultrasound. Specialists of aesthetic direction is carried out the teeth whitening chemical methods and hardware, installation of skysaw, and the artistic restoration of teeth (direct method and COMPONEER). Qualified specialists of our clinic possess an Arsenal of innovative tools to provide superior dental care. The clinic is located in the center of Barnaul, for the convenience of patients sign up through the website.


Altai Krai
Barnaul city

pr-t Sotsialisticheskiy, 69

tel. +7 (903) 996-10-25
tel. +7 (3852) 24-94-59
Actual on 01.01.2018
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