Altai Comfort. Barnaul, Russia

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We offer at competitive prices:
1) Roofing materials - corrugated Board (trapezoidal sheet), metal, Onduline, roofing material
2) Siding - vinyl and metal siding under a log and timber, ground sagging under a stone facade panels under the bricks.
3) Insulation - mineral wool Isover, Knauf, mineral wool, basalt Minplita, P - 75, stone insulation PTE - 75 (Nazarovo)
4) a Sheet material - OSB (OSB, OSB) plate, particle Board, fiberboard, plywood, softwood and moisture resistant.
5) Dry mixes Hercules, Knauf, Vetonit, Rothis - plaster, putty (putty), screeds (floor levelling mixes), glue for tiles and porcelain tiles.
6) Gravel, sand delivery
7) loft ladders, PVC panels and many more


Altai Krai
Barnaul city

ave. Kosmonavtov, 6b

tel. 8 (913) 225-83-02,,
Actual on 01.01.2018
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