The EXPERT-legal center. Barnaul, Russia

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Legal company Legal center "EXPERT" provides specialized legal services for citizens and legal entities.
- legal advice;
- preparation of claims, claims, complaints, contracts, etc.;
- representation in court;
a legal subscription service
legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
- services of Avtoyurist;
- protection of rights of consumers;
- bankruptcy of physical persons;
- housing disputes;
- labor disputes;
- debt collection;
- representation in court;
family disputes
and other legal services.
You can read more on our website.


Altai Krai
Barnaul city

656056, str. Pushkina, 31, str. 223

tel. 60-90-35
tel. 8 (913) 210-9035
Actual on 01.01.2018
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