East-West. Belgorod, Russia

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The desire for internal and external excellence through customized approach to health and beauty body and soul!

It is this understanding of beauty was the beginning for the formation of our team 15 years ago! In 1997, Belgorod appeared, and medical Clinic of cosmetology "Cosmetic - Y".

Over the years, we have tried to help him to find many women and men confidence in their individuality.

And that the wishes of our patients prompted us to reorganize the clinic, at our second BIRTH with a new name "East-West SPA". So in 2008 was established the brand "East-West"

"East–West SPA" — is the most advanced technology specialists in the field of SPA care technology, Japan, America, and France.

"East–West SPA" is only the best cosmetic lines, the most prominent manufacturers in the beauty industry.

"East–West SPA" are doctors and experts who will always find a competent solution any questions You have.


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

str. Pushkina, 67
str. Pushkina, 67

tel. 35-32-67
tel. +7 (961) 173-55-67
tel. +7 (4722) 35-32-67

Actual on 01.01.2018
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