Your Doctor. Belgorod, Russia

Views: 135

"Treatment of diseases of vessels of lower extremities (phlebology). Consultations of doctors of phlebology.
- endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO);
- foam sclerotherapy Foam-form varicose-altered tributaries;
- medical removal of "vascular asterisks";
ultrasonic duplex scanning of vessels of lower extremities.
Endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
- videothoracoscopy (EGD);
- videocolonoscopy;
Consultations of doctors: gastroenterologist, internist, neurologist, chiropractor, cosmetologist.
Ultrasonic diagnostics of organs and systems of the body (sonography).
Clinical laboratory diagnostics of blood allows you to spend more than 1000 kinds of investigations (hematological, biokhimicheski, immunohistochemical, allergological, blood test for hormones, coagulogram, tumor markers, diagnosis of infectious and parasitic diseases)
Manual therapy (acupuncture, cupping massage, relaxation postisometric, taping joints, etc.).
Aesthetic medicine, cosmetology and hardware and injection techniques of facial rejuvenation and body."


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

308000, Harodnyy blvd.var, 32

tel. (4722) 33-37-38
tel. (4722) 33-85-06
Actual on 01.01.2018
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