Studio of sand drawing sandpro. Belgorod, Russia

Views: 69

Studio of sand drawing sandpro conducts educational and creative activities in the form of playing with sand and drawing light tables for children from 1.5 to beskonechnosti! And there are also classes in painting, sculpting from clay and from clay, pottery, intellectual preparation for school, English language, batik, clay animation! Workshops (decoration, decoupage, Ebru painting on water, brooches, t-shirt dyeing, painting with sand, etc.) we Also conduct Sand birthdays at home and on the road, hold children‘s parties and offer Sand show to travel to your wedding or anniversary!


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

Svyato-Troitskiy b-r, 15

tel. 500-407

Actual on 01.01.2018
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