The Dagestan stone in Belgorod. Belgorod, Russia

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The veneer is in Belgorod is an additional protection of the building, additional insulation and decoration. Because of their advantages of tiles in Belgorod very popular, at the same time, it is available to people at a price. Higher quality differs by the Dagestan stone. This natural material is very strong and durable. Synthetic materials and substitutes, which often offer in the market of building materials, will not be able to compete with organic and natural cladding material.

Produce material for facing of facades of houses and other buildings experienced professionals-masons. Everyone understands that any work will be made of the best quality only the skillful production. Facing the facades by the Dagestan stone will transform any home into a fabulous Palace. Moreover, the types these stones allow you to please even the most refined owner.


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

ave. B. Hmelnitskogo, 133v

tel. 9 (4722) 374-274
tel. 8 (4722) 483-438
Actual on 01.01.2018
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