Space (Pro100r). Borisoglebsk, Russia

Views: 105

Furniture salon "Space".
Address: Borisoglebsk, ul 40 let Oktyabrya, 29 (TTS Kondor 3rd floor).
Mode of operation: 9:00 to 17:30
Phone: 5-60-08

Furniture TO ORDER: cabinets, walls, hallways, kitchen sets, dining tables, wardrobes, computer tables, beds, dressers, cabinets, office furniture, children‘s furniture. ANY SIZES. The individual design.

Calling a technician at the measuring room of the house. Delivery of finished furniture in the city/nearby areas/nearest settlements and the installation at the customer‘s request.

P. S. we don‘t expect custom furniture online, it is impossible to do remotely. The solution to the question of the size of the ordered furniture, color choices and accessories, discussion final prices are holding in our showroom: furniture showroom "Space", shopping center "Condor", 3rd floor.

To call a specialist on the measurement of your room by phone: 8-952-958-40-72 or 8-905-655-26-31.


Voronezh Oblast
Borisoglebsk city

397166, str. 40 let Oktyabrya, 29 (TTs

tel. 8 (905) 655-26-31
Actual on 01.01.2018
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