Transport services of Bratsk

Transport services :

Total items: 14, Views: 199975
Gorbunov V. V., SP
Bratsk, Eniseyskaya, 23

tel. +7 (908) 641-85-33

Bus to order
I suggest passenger transportation on a comfortable bus 27 seats. The bus is equipped with seat belts, large Windows, shelves for hand Luggage.
The tariff "Hourly" 1400 RUB./hour.
The rate of "Suburban": the Price is 50 RUB./km.
Possible clearing.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Car wash
Bratsk, poselok Yuzhnyy Padun, Polevaya str., 30

tel. +7 (914) 905-72-51
Actual on 01.01.2018
Car Wash Non-Stop
Bratsk, proezd Stroyindustrii, 50

tel. +7 (3953) 35-67-77
Actual on 01.01.2018
Car Wash Formula 1
Bratsk, poselok Stroitel, 87

tel. +7 (3953) 32-96-03
Actual on 01.01.2018



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