Chuvash separate division of S. V. T. S.-Alliance. Cheboksary, Russia

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Customs clearance
Submission of electronic customs declarations in the customs of Russia;
Assistance in obtaining permits ;
Service contract holder (the conclusion of contracts on our behalf with foreign firms on Your behalf to develop clear schemes of foreign trade transactions);
Optimization of customs payments (e-Declaration, customs clearance on the border of Russia, optimal selection of FEACN code);
Free expert advice on foreign trade (preliminary calculation of payments, identification of codes of goods under the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity).


Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia
Cheboksary city

428000, ave. Mira, 90, k. 1, str. 307

tel. 8 (927) 667-70-75
tel. 37-70-75
tel. 37-25-23
tel. 37-52-24
Actual on 01.01.2018
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