Window "Skyscraper". Cheboksary, Russia

Views: 112

Company "Skyscraper" for 11 years is engaged in manufacture and sale of plastic Windows in Cheboksary, Novocheboksarsk and the Chuvash Republic. The entire experience accumulated by our company over the years of hard work allow us to use it when working with the most complex and nestandartini objects.

In our production we are able to produce plastic Windows of various models and variations. plastic Windows of various models ranging from budget economy options, to exclusive artwork .Our customers - the state of the municipal institutions, commercial and non-commercial organizations, physical persons.


Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia
Cheboksary city

428000, ave. Lenina, 19

tel. +7 (8352) 44-94-24
Actual on 01.01.2018
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