Cheboksary, 428000,
str. Proletarskaya, 25
tel. +7 (8352) 55-55-55
Dent on Proletarian in Cheboksary is the third clinic "dent-a-med", which opened in April 2011.
This clinic is situated near an important transport artery for residents Novalinga district of the city of Cheboksary Prospekt Traktorostroiteley, and besides adult, are also available pediatric dentistry.
Patients are dentists selected adult admission and possess the special personal qualities to work with children and adult patients prone to high anxiety. Special delicate approach, slowness and carefulness - that‘s the difference between a team of doctors office "Proletarian Dentistry for adults and children" under the guidance of a very famous doctor Kuznetsova N. N