"Company Oscar" offers You a complex of services for the trenchless laying of engineering communications with application of technology of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD): Diameter from 32 to 600
· -water
· the pressure sewer, gravity or storm
· -the pipeline - including a common gas supply of enterprises and human settlements.
· pipeline
· -boxes for electric cable
· -cases for telephone and fiber-optic communication lines.
"Company Oscar" paving underground utilities using horizontal directional drilling - HDD using specialized equipment and has extensive case study of successfully completed projects in Chelyabinsk and Ural Federal district, successfully using modern trenchless technology.
Pipeline construction is mostly from plastic pipes (HDPE),
given the significant advantages of the material:
· service life three to five times more than steel and is 50 years or more
· resistance to corrosion and environmental cleanliness
· high ductility, resistance to large deformations without loss of efficiency
· light weight, repairability through the use of electrosoft.