Of, LTD. Chelyabinsk, Russia

Views: 63

OOO of offers a full range of services in construction of industrial and civil objects:
from small architectural forms to large industrial and infrastructure facilities, experience since 1998.
We are ready to take control of all the processes on the site. Own construction base
in Chelyabinsk, the craftsmen experience; stable raw material base resulting from a long, reliable and
honest contacts with suppliers; creativity of the whole staff of the company at all stages of the process

OOO, of, address: 454085, Chelyabinsk, St. Marchenko, d. 13-A,
room 53, phone: +7 (351) 737-87-87, e-mail: snab.vd@gmail.com,
INN: 7452120112, bin: 1147452006900, p/s: 40702810707250007805 in OJSC Chelindbank,
f/s: 30101810400000000711, BIC: 047501711
Director Antipov Denis Sergeevich
phone mobile 89823555557 Alexander


Chelyabinsk Oblast
Chelyabinsk city

454085, str. Marchenko, 13-A, pomeshch

tel. (351) 737-87-87
tel. 8 (982) 355-55-57

Actual on 01.01.2018
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