House, real estate center. Chita, Russia

Views: 70

Brownie Chita is a quick and easy tool that will help You to lease or rent an apartment (house, room, meeting hall) for long or short term in our beloved city of Chita and any other convenient parts of the city.

Absolutely for free! We will deliver Your apartment the most respectable and appropriate for You to tenants. For this You only need to call us or come to our office.

You want to rent an apartment? Our experts will help You choose in the shortest time the best options, the actual rental of residential and non-residential premises in the city or other convenient areas at affordable prices.

Our company has a complex of databases of all rental residential and non-residential premises, which guarantees 100% result. In addition, over the long term of our company, we have accumulated its own database of residential premises from the owners who have personally trusted us to take their apartment.

+ to all each of our clients receives a gift - a legally executed lease of premises, as well as the desired result of our work! :)


Zabaykalsky Krai
Chita city

672000, str. Chkalova, 149, str. 20

tel. +7 (914) 440-73-13
tel. +7 (929) 480-43-13
Actual on 01.01.2018
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