Home hotel for people venerable age. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Home hotel for people venerable age.

- If You lack communication
You remain alone when Your family leave on vacation or business trip
-You need round the clock care
-If You just feel lonely and need care

We invite You to our hotel
Call and make an exploratory visit, we will be happy to walk You through it and show our hotel.

We offer the following services:

- accommodation in double and single rooms in a modern hotel for 10 people.
-each room has a bathroom equipped with shower, sink. toilet.
-located in a prestigious area of the city, in a quiet and cozy area. (there is a possibility for Hiking in a forested area and within walking distance of shopping centers)
-In a hotel room.
daily meals at the buffet
-around the clock arranged the tea-table with cakes and sandwiches
- predostavlyaetsya car for a visit to relatives for hospital visits to theatres and entertainment events
-basic medical services are provided. needed (ie, injections, system, tracking of medication, measurement of pressure)
- any period of residence.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

str. Koltsevaya, 47

tel. +7 (343) 345-81-00
tel. +7 (912) 045-81-00

Actual on 01.01.2018
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