Cadastral cost of land, often different from the market value of the land, which significantly affects the financial gain taxes for owners, users, borrowers, tenants of the earth. Company "Assessment-Inventory-Ural" provides cadastral valuation of land for any purpose for companies and individuals. the company‘s Experts have years of experience in the field of valuation services and carry out their activities in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and on the principles of expediency. Quality and reliable services of the company will allow you to obtain the actual dimensions of the cadastral value of land, reduce the tax rate.
The company is engaged in the valuation of all types of property, valuation of shares, business, real estate, inspection of buildings and structures, construction expert examination, expert examination of industrial safety. The company‘s customers are factories of the Sverdlovsk region, All the major banks, educational institutions, city Administration of Ekaterinburg, the city Administration of the Upper Pyshma. There are letters from some of the largest, most respected companies in the city of Yekaterinburg.