Cost center-Elektro, OOO. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Views: 31

Company MVZ-Electro is engaged in the production and sale of dry current-limiting reactors, dry-type transformers TSL, oil transformers TM, TMG.
Manufactured products are robust and well proven while working on projects in Russia and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc.)
All equipment carries a full warranty up to 5 years. The service life of the equipment is at least 30 years.
We invite You to cooperation!


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620076, str. Samoletnaya, 55, str. 130

tel. +7 (982) 717-01-36
tel. +7 (343) 271-01-36
Actual on 01.01.2018
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