Manufacture of tanks RGS-3, CSG-5 and CSG-10, CSG-15, the GCF is 25, the CSG-50, CSG-100, PBC-100, PBC-200, VST-300, PBC-400, RVS-700,RCS-1000, RCS-2000, RVS-5000, RVS-10000, RVS-20000,RVS-30000, RVS-50000, Tank underground EP, EPR, double wall Tanks, Mobile tanks, Blocks of preparation of solutions, the Capacity the drainage Capacity underground, Tanks and double wall tanks, horizontal steel Tanks, Capacity mobile, technology Capacity, Capacity groups Capacity RPGs, Capacity, SEER, spherical tanks, Capacity, runway Capacity VKP, VKE Tank, Mixer hydraulic type, CIM, CIC,Complexes (blocks) for the preparation, regeneration, cleaning and storage of saline solutions and other process liquids (stationary and mobile), Equipment for separation of well fluid in the process of overhaul and current repair of wells with high gas factor gas and its removal from the collar pad to avoid cases of fire. - Vessels working under pressure (separators, sumps, receivers, etc.), Capacity of drilling fluid IS, the capacity of the topping type ED, ED-n, ED-WELL, EDS, EDS-C EDS-WELL, EBC, EBC-I, EBC-WELL, Capacity ohrenitelno-cleaning ("gutter") type FOO, EOOS, EOOK, Capacity, technology of movable type, ETS, ET, PTE, EV