The Golden Age, Commission fur salon. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Commission Fur Salon Golden Age principles which is quality service and individual approach to each client.

In order to get a loan, just contact Lombard "GOLDEN AGE!", while in possession, it is sufficient to have a document that certifies Your identity as well as personal property, which You plan to transfer to the pawnshop as collateral. The loan amount that You can get at the pawn shop the "Lombard" GOLDEN AGE!", directly depends on the assessed value of Your collateral.

Provide services of loans secured by the following types of property:


Tool , Sports equipment

Audio, video equipment

Laptops, system units, monitors

Mobile phones and more.


Also take in pledge the original watches of known Swiss brands:

Prinimayutsya watch in a gold case (not plated!) any manufacturers

Accepted not only gold watch Swiss manufacturers.

The percentage of the loan is:

The interest rate of the pawnshop of the loan ranges from 0.3% on the day;

The loan agreement jewelry are made to (40 days):

The credit for equipment issued for 10 days + 30 days grace month.(retention period in over 40 days!).

For the grace month (30 days after the date of redemption under the plan) penalty interest (penalty) will not be charged!

Fixed the Minimum amount of interest charged — 10 days

The pawnshop guarantees the confidentiality of all operations and transactions of customers.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620144, str. Bolshakova, 99a

tel. +7 (963) 033-39-99
Actual on 01.01.2018
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