The Mistletoe-Groups. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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OOO "the Mistletoe Group" wholesale company engaged in wholesale sales of furniture in Yekaterinburg and in the URALS Federal district.

The company has many years of experience in retail and wholesale sector.

Wholesale trade of furniture has a lot of nuances in the interaction with partners.

Implement streamlined work with wholesalers allows us the experience of retail trade. We delved into issues of ease of cooperation with us. For this purpose we developed our website, furniture wholesale to You, our customers and partners feel as comfortable as possible and immediately received all required information water place, online. On our website You at any time of the day or night can see all the inventory and the date of the next income therefore You will be able to guide buyers to your store for delivery times based on only one of your possibilities. Information about the balances online is convenient because it does not have to make unnecessary calls and waste time on conversations with managers, the remains of the site is always current.

As well directly from the website, You can apply online, you can print it in the manual, in a dedicated box, and it is possible to attach a pre-filled application form, after which our managers will contact you with an invoice and after payment will reserve the item.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620000, str. Apparatnaya, 3, str. 307

tel. +7 (909) 017-10-87
tel. 8 (343) 385-65-26

Actual on 01.01.2018
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