“Asplomb-Ural” specializiruetsya on the protective seals a wide range of applications. The most popular, reliable and economical of all the items remain flat disposable numbered seals. Such seals are well established in places of mass stay of people:
educational institutions
sports fields
and industrial enterprises.
On our site You can buy equipment for the sealing of instrumentation. Available in self locking numbered security seals, stickers, tear-off layer, and seal with a high breaking strength that are easy to lock transport containers.
In addition to the above products, our company can offer safe and courier bags, Bank bags, post bags, flat seal tape and other means of sealing consumables, beneficial eye-catching practicality, reliability and affordability.
Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city
Machine, 29b, 418
tel. +7 (343) 288-57-07
tel. 8 (800) 7758 207
Actual on 19.01.2019