The company 2Gas. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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2GAS company engaged in the installation of LPG propane gas and methane, has any associated services. The company operates in the market of installation and maintenance of LPG equipment in 2013. Provide all related services: service, maintenance and repair of LPG. Help with registration in the traffic police.
Installed gas equipment I, II, IV and V for domestic and imported cars. Work with private and commercial clients. The company has a considerable experience in the installation and service of any LPG, the availability of modern diagnostic equipment which will help to identify and eliminate possible problems.
Before installing the gas equipment is carried out inspection of technical condition of the car, the recommendations issued.
When you install LPG in our company pre-inspection and diagnostics of the car are free.
In the presence of the cylinders from 30 to 220 liters, both cylindrical and toroidal. Experienced professionals will quickly and efficiently install gas equipment on any car.
Warranty on installed by us LPG is 2 years or 75,000 km.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620010, str. Dagestanskaya, 41, liter

tel. (343) 318-00-01
Actual on 01.01.2018
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