Industrial construction of Ekaterinburg

Industrial construction :

Total items: 162, Views: 65744
Ekaterinburg, str. Cherkasskaya, 10

tel. +7 (343) 379-64-73


Industrial automation
- Automation of KTP, indoor switchgear, outdoor switchgear 10-110 kV;
- Automation of substations 10 - 220 kV;
- Automation of modular 0,4 -110 kV;
- Automation systems and control DSU and KSU blocks.

- Automated system of accounting and the flow of gas.
- Metering and regulation of thermal energy.
- Automation of individual heating substations, boiler houses, including gas.
- Automation of gas distribution systems GDS, UPTBG, CNG stations,URG.
- Process control system BCS (Booster compressor stations.
- Automation gas well clusters.
- Complex of technical means of protection and anti-terrorist protection of the object (CITSO), access control, fire alarms, video surveillance.
- Control of engineering systems.
- APCS HPA compressor.

- design of automated control systems for conveyor lines;
- design of automated control systems for ship-loading machines;
- design special sections (SMEs).

- design and manufacture of power equipment ICH (high frequency generators);
- design and manufacture of power equipment UPV (soft starter);
- design and production of high performance power sources 5,10, 20,50,100 kW.

- automatic control system of compressor stations (screw, porshnevie);
- system of automatic control of the nitrogen stations.

- design and manufacture of automated control systems for conveyor belts
- design and production of ACS ventilation and aspiration systems;
- design and manufacture of automatic control systems of microclimate areas, vegetable stores, greenhouses;

- design of automated control systems for electrolysis (production of hydrogen). The objects of the TPP, SDPP, NPP.
- design of automated control systems for autoclaves (any);
- designing special sections (SMEs).


administrative and public use;
- housing purposes (including Parking lots);
- cottage settlements;
hypermarkets, shopping and business centers;
medical centers, clinics, hospitals (including "clean rooms");
- children‘s educational institutions;
- sports facilities and institutions;
- car dealerships and auto centers.
Topics :
- internal engineering systems of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, anti-
smoke ventilation, heating and cooling systems;
- internal engineering systems of water supply and sanitation;
- external networks of water supply and sewage systems and their structures;
- internal power supply system;
- external networks of heat supply and its facilities;
- internal network of low-voltage systems;
- outdoor systems low-voltage systems;
- scheduling, automation and management of engineering systems.

The serial production (model projects):
Shield automation ventilation (MPV, MAPV, MPVM, MAPWM)
The control panel of the heat
Shield automation smoke SHAD (10 floors, 14 floors, 15 floors, 17 floors, 16 floors, 24 floors)
Shield automation, fire fighting WEPT
Shield automation fire pumps SAPN
Control valve, SUS (SOUS)
NGO "Delta" produces:
1. Yesterday automatics
The shield control room alarm
Shield automation control of vacuum pressure
preservative autoclave (accessories SIEMENS)
Shield automatic control of vacuum-pressure impregnation autoclave
A shield of automatic control of boilers
Control panel coolant
Shield automation control drum furnaces
Shield of the automation of sewage pumping station switchboard automation of wastewater treatment facilities
Shield automation of pumping stations, automatics Board drain pump
Shield automation compressor station
Shield automatic control autoclaves
Shields auto-modulating control of temperature contours of buildings
Shield of the automation and control of diesel power stations
Coils are vacuum-filters (kit)
The automation panels, electrolysis unit (set)
2. The device of smooth start of electric motors of compressors
3.Embedded electronic ballast apparatus for gas-filled bulbs
Electronic ballasts 250 W-3500 RUB, electronic ballast 400W-4000 RUB., electronic ballast 1000 watt-16000 RUB.

Electronic ballast 150W, electronic ballasts 200 watts, electronic ballast 250W, electronic ballast 300 W, 350 W electronic ballast, electronic ballast 400W, electronic ballast 600W, electronic ballast 800W electronic ballast 1000 watts

4.Controllers automation
Controller automation "malachite 3M" (17 000=00 RUB)
Controller automation "vent-comfort"
Controller automation "malachite 32P"
The control unit thyristors SKAT
Comprehensive protection for 3-phase load "Mail"
Unit Board compressor "Pilot-1 M" (BUK "Pilot-1" M) (30 000=00 RUB)
The speed sensor:
RFS-2/1K-l Delta single channel in the brass body (3 500=00 RUB.);
RFS-2/1K-p Delta – single-channel in the plastic housing(3 500=00 RUB.).
RFS-2/2K-l Delta – channel in a brass housing (4 500=00 RUB.);
RFS-2/2K-p Delta – channel in the plastic housing(4 500=00 RUB.).
The speed sensor with the determination of the direction of rotation of the RFS-2/2KN (4500rub.)
Sensor t° submersible (980=00 RUB)
Sensor t°for compressor (980=00 RUB)
Sensor t° outdoor air (880=00 RUB)
Sensor t° channel (880=00 RUB)
Sensor t° invoice (880=00 RUB)
6.High-frequency inverters (generators) ICH to replace the native converters of HPV.
7.Power supply high-power DIP with voltage up to 500 V and current up to 30,000 A
8. The device is smooth (unstressed) start for high-voltage motors (UPV)
9. Frequency Converter (inverter) PCBM for high-voltage motors
10. The device is smooth (unstressed) start the motor (softstarter)
11. Frequency Converter for high-voltage (3-6-10KV) motor is of wound rotor (PCWP)
12. The control unit nitrogen station of pksa-9 200,of pksa-5 101, PKS-8 101 PKS-101 16

Actual on 01.01.2018
Plant of universal transformers, LLC
Ekaterinburg, ul Marshala Zhukova, 5

tel. 342-01-79

LLC "Plant of universal transformers" LLC "zoot" is a manufacturer and supplier of power equipment. The main direction of our activity is the manufacture and sale of universal transformers and universal transformer substations.
Universal transformer substation icff with universal transformers with switch input voltage from 6 kV to 10 kV, and Vice versa, from 10 kV to 6 kV on the high side and 0.4 kV for the low capacity from 25 kVA to 1600 KS A. icff and TMU allow you to save cash due to the unique technical solutions.
Unique design – universal transformers are the intellectual Foundation of the plant. Developed and brought to market in December 2013 universal transformers become the main direction of LLC AC "ES RUS", which led to restructuring and diversification of the company. Previously exercised the activity of the company continues to operate within the existing plant.
Thus, the "Plant of universal transform! light" is selling the transformer equipment of different manufacturers of all types and modifications, delivery of equipment and services.
The main activities of the "Plant of universal transformers":
universal transformers;
universal complete transformer substations icff
Delivery of equipment for rent:
- transformers of all types and modifications;
- substations KTP;
- transformers and substations for heating concrete
Sale of equipment:
universal complete transformators s substation icff;
- complete transformer substations KTP;
designer KTP;
- transformers with the audit of all types and capacities;
- new transformers from existence and under the order;
- universal oil transformers;
metal housings for KTP (standard and custom sizes, including insulated);
tanks for transformers
Provision of services:
- repair of transformers;
- repair of KTP substations;
- installation of substations and transformers.
- design;
- Assembly of equipment;
- customer service;
laboratory tests

Actual on 01.01.2018
Ecostep Ural
Ekaterinburg, str. Malysheva, 53, str. 501

tel. +7 (912) 262-35-09
Actual on 01.01.2018
Ekaterinburg, ave. Ordzhonikidze, 4

tel. +7 (912) 242-84-59
Actual on 01.01.2018











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